Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tollway Tatters next Saturday!!

Can't wait for Tollway Tatters next Saturday at 10am Eastern Time.
I showed this picture asking everyone what they are tatting currently, 
and I am asking you all what you are currently tatting.  ;)
This is the start of a collar which will be a Christmas gift for our 
very sweet 100 year old(pictures of her 2 fishing trips this year are 

Hope to see all you wonder tatters next Saturday 
on Tollway Tatters on Facebook:
Have a great rest of your weekend and I hope you get tatting in!! :)



Jane McLellan said...

I’m still working on the Renulek Spring doily. Enjoy your meet up.

God's Kid said...

Great!! :) Wish you could join us!! ;) Have a great day!! :)

picotsnkeys said...

Have a great meet up! I treasure those times I can tat with friends.

God's Kid said...

Thank you picotsnkeys!! :)