Thursday, October 6, 2022

Last one

 I believe I have a total of 31 Pop Top Ice Drop
ornaments for our craft show, which has now 
become 2 craft shows.

I am busy sewing in ends.  When I am done I hope 
to remember to take a picture of all of them.
If my count is correct, I actually tatted 33, but 2 
were claimed by people who love them so I set them 
aside for them.
I have 5 weeks from this Saturday until the first 
craft show, so if I get all the ends sewn in and my 
stuff prepared for the show, if there is any time left 
I plan on working on button ornaments.
Have a wonderful weekend, and make some tatting 
time!!! :)


Jane McLellan said...

Wow, so much beautiful work, well done.

God's Kid said...

Thank you Jane!! :)