Well, it's not perfect, but the first test tat is
done. I am on the second and making changes
to stitch counts and such. I want the center to
lie flat if possible. I wish I was a looser tatter
because I think that is quite a bit of my problem.
But, the center on the one I am tatting now is a
bit better and lays nicer.....so far.
These will be insert for the sides of my shirts
at the bottom, just to give a looser fit for the
Today our daughter and I went shopping, and
decided to get in trouble going and looking
around Hobby Lobby(just looking is trouble),
well......we got into a bit more trouble by
actually spending money. ;)
Here is what I got:

The cashier said I did very well!! :)
So, lots of new things to add tatting to, or add to
tatting. ;)
Hope you have a great weekend and have tatting
time!!! :)