Saturday, August 29, 2020

Another round(not my favorite) and some knitting

Well, I started another round on the random tatting 
and I loved the look, the denseness and the way it 
held the arches, but it ruffled bad.  Then, I did another 
which looked good, but ruffled bad, and another the 
same thing.  I was so frustrated after cutting off 3 starts.
 I took a break and came back and ended up with this.
It's not my favorite, but it lays flat!  Wondering what 
will come next......
 My daughter had started a knitted blanket for me, but 
it has sat several years about 1/3 to 1/2 done so I 
decided I needed to learn so I can finish it.  After 
I worked knitting on the blanket(we need to add 
more yarn), I found the dishcloth our younger 
granddaughter had started.  She had about and inch 
done and I continued and below is the "finished" 
dishcloth(the bottom is her part, and all the mistakes 
above are mine!!  ;)  I think it's a good first!

And today I got on youtube to learn how to bind off 
to finish that one, then how to cast on to start another. 
I have this much done already.  I think I will try to 
get back on my blanket tonight.  ;) 
Hope you are having a wonderful tatting, or crafting 
filled Saturday!! :)


Jane McLellan said...

I had problems with ruffling too when I tried to randomly tat. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Good for you for starting over until you got it flat. And hooray, I love to see another knitter in the making!

God's Kid said...

Thank you Jane!! :)
And thanks for the knitting encouragement! I know it's not my thing, but to do what I want I think I will be ok. ;)

Margarets designer cards said...

Your random tatting is brilliant and I have been watching your progress its looking a great pattern.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I give you a lot of credit for your random tatting. I don't think I have the ability to do that! Knitting! It's starting to cool off, so I'm getting in the mood to pick up my knitting again!

muskaan said...

I love that previous dense round! Pity it did not lay flat.
I'm sure inspiration will strike for the next round, too :-)
My favourite winter passtime was knitting. Now I knit only if I need a replacement. Good to see you taking it up

God's Kid said...

Thank you all very much!!!! :)
Diane, I thought the same thing too about the random tatting-not having the ability, I just tatted and it just happened. ;)
muskaan, thank you!!! I loved that dense round too.