Jolimama wants to know where to find these, and for those who haven't seen them in Hobby Lobby, I just found them on their website-they call them Assorted Dream Catchers.
Here is the link:
Hope this helps! :) Have a great day!!!

Nagyon köszönöm, megnéztük, de sajnos Magyarországra nem szállítanak:-(((
Nagyon kedves, hogy utánajártál.
Thanks for the link! We have a Hobby Lobby in the area, and I'm curious to see if our store has them. So much easiesr than ordering! I looked for these on their website yesterday and could not find them! (I know it must be difficult for them to categorize so many items.) I didn't expect them to come in that kind of configuration! They seem to be linked together! And I see they are 3/4 inch. They often show only mm, which confuses me. I now know (thanks to a conversion chart) that 3/4" equals 19 mm.
Jolimama, I will try and get some and mail them to you. I will let you know when I have them so I can get your address. :)
I didn't know what size they were Kathy, because the package(cardboard they are attached to does not tell anything about them. And yes, they are attached to jump rings which are attached to a small chain like a bracelet. Hope you can find some! :)
:-) Sajnos a fordítóval nem egészen értettem meg, holnap a Lányom lefordítja nekem és akkor válaszolok. Szeretettel: Jolimama
Most már értem:-)
Nagyon örülök, ha sikerülne kapni, és akkor várom a levelet és a fizetés összegét. Küldöm majd akkor a címemet:-)
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