Thursday, April 30, 2020

Treble Tatting Video

As per a reminder from muskaan, I am posting
a link to a video I have posted in Just-Tatting on 
Facebook, that I made as to how to do Ninetta's Treble 
Tatting.  I used size 3 Lizbeth thread and did my 
best to show the steps clearly.  It won't let me upload 
it to blogger, so our daughter is going to help me 
figure out how to get it on Youtube and then try 

I used it to tat this doily which I will do my best 
to discipline myself and get the pattern together 
for those who are adventurous and would like to 
try it!!!  ;)
Hope this helps those who would like to try 
Treble Tatting!!


Madtatter80 said...

That a wonderful thing to do and beautiful doily. I learned how at tat days but honestly think I have forgotten. I am not organized so not sure where my notes are. This will come in handy Thank You 💐🦋💐

God's Kid said...

Thank you both!! :)

muskaan said...

Thanks for sharing your video link - I will add it to my Resources page. Nicely demonstrated 🌹🌹🌹 Looking forward to the doily pattern 💗

God's Kid said...

You are welcome muskaan!!! :) Thank you for the reminder!! ;)

Margarets designer cards said...

Thanks for the reminder
The doily is looking lovely

God's Kid said...

Thank you!! :)
It was finished quite some time ago, but muskaan wondered why I didn't share the video here so I am working on it all. ;)